
I am stupid, I am hungry.

Operating System III: X86 and PC Architecture


Name Description
CS code segment, for fetches via IP
SS stack segment, for load/store via SP and BP
DS data segment, for load/store via other registers
ES another data segment, destination for string operationgs
SP stack pointer
BP frame base pointer
SI source index
DI destination index
IP instruction pointer

Mit6.828 Homework: Shell

常用Shell 命令

  1. ls > y 把ls结果输出到文件y中
  2. cat cat命令的用途是连接文件或标准输入并打印。这个命令常用来显示文件内容,或者将几个文件连接起来显示,或者从标准输入读取内容并显示,它常与重定向符号配合使用
    • 一次显示整个文件:cat filename
    • 从键盘创建一个文件:cat > filename 只能创建新文件,不能编辑已有文件
    • 将几个文件合并为一个文件:cat file1 file2 > file
  3. uniq uniq命令常用语报告或者消除文件中的重复内容,一般与sort命令结合使用
  4. wc wc命令的功能为统计指定文件中的字节数、字数、行数, 并将统计结果显示输出
ls > y
cat < y | sort | uniq | wc > y1


Mit6.828 Chapter 0: Operating System Interfaces

Process: include memory containing instructions, data and a stack. Instructions implement the program’s computation. The data are the variables on which the computation acts. The stack organizes the program’s procedure calls.

Procedure calls: 也叫系统调用,用来给process调用kernel service. 当process调用系统调用时,硬件cpu会提高程序的privilege level然后执行内核中已经定义好的函数.